

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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I don't know how you'll feel about this, but a few days ago I unsubscribed from a customer's Facebook page. I just got sick of the bad taste in my mouth from a stream of quite unpleasant political comments and links in my newsfeed. I personally don't think anyone in business should mix business and politics. Or religion for that matter. Not just because it's unwise to turn off people who might be your customers, but because it's wrong to judge people by their ideology or faith, or the lack of either. I don't care whether they're of the left or the right, in my experience if you can get past people's politics most people are pretty good, if not better. Let's give people the chance to judge us as individuals. Cheers, Ian But what do you think? ;)
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Stephen Baugh
August 9, 2012, 4:46 am
When I am judging a someone to do business with, I often go to their Facebook or Twitter feeds and see how they interact with others. It's amazing how often you find people being quite nasty, and this makes  me want to keep searching. I know people often forget that this is public when they're interacting with others, but it is. I do believe there is a need to honour each other and be gentle. Having said that, I know I'm opinionated and people don't always take what I say with it's original good intention. We're all human after all, but our Facebook and Twitter accounts, when used as the doorway to our businesses, need to be a loving and supportive places. (IMHO)