

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Your blog is a tool for drawing people in from Facebook and other social media sites, for keeping your site fresh, interesting and ever-changing, and for keeping your image galleries and work in front of people. Your ideas and interests too!

The must-have for every blog is SIMPLICITY, so that nothing comes between you and getting your posts out.

But one size does not fit all, which is why we now offer three simple blogging templates: Basic, View More and Thumbnail. You can also customise your blog's side panel, by adding a profile image and intro text: click here for an example. (The side panel drops off on mobile to keep the focus on the content.) Every template allows you to select a Feature Image, which we explain below. And of course all are mobile-friendly.

The Basic template is an update of our existing design. The catchphrase is “simple”. Your front page displays your latest posts as a single column of text and images. With a clean new font and the redesigned side panel, your blog will look modern and elegant. You can choose a feature image for posting to Facebook etc.

If you blog regularly, post lots of images, or have lots to say, the Basic style may be unwieldy. In which case View More may be the perfect choice. It displays the feature image, a short teaser paragraph and a “View More” link to the complete post. It makes your posts easier to browse, and looks great without images as well.

This is another way to display all your recent posts in an easy-to-browse format. A grid layout picks up the feature image you’ve chosen for each post. With a simple hover, the blog title and a small teaser paragraph appear. If you’ve chosen our Captured website theme, which is also grid-based, you’ll have a consistent look across your site. Your blog posts open up in a single column, as with the Basic and View More styles.


It's simple to set up your blog using Workspace, but you’ll need a paid Workspace plan (starting at US$10 per month). Just click Blog under Settings in the Workspace Menu. There you can select your blog template, and set the profile image and intro text for your side panel. We recommend a small profile picture (300px width) for faster loading.

Melissa & Alexandria x

Images featured in blog by Lauren Anne Photography and Jon Harper Photography.

P.s. We are always looking to improve Workspace so if you do have any suggestions, ideas or requests, please email as we'd love to hear from you.

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