

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Chaos theory has a metaphor for the way trivial occurrences can have significant consequences: it's the butterfly effect. We're proud of Johannes' post of that name in which he explains why he's a Queensberry partisan. It's about a serendipitous image that won him his first NZIPP Gold, caught Heather's and my eyes … and led to a relationship that's lasted eighteen years. So far. All because his tripod collapsed. That relationship has been positive for us in so many ways, and we hope it's been good for Johannes too. One of the benefits has a really old name: word of mouth. Johannes has a great reputation with his peers and he tells them how good he thinks we are. The best marketing out there! And we're very quick to reciprocate. Word of mouth has a new name too, social media, and it's changed everything. Social media is systematised word of mouth. It's like the butterfly effect in that any one of your posts, tweets, status updates and comments is a tiny event that separately or together can have a major impact on the future of your business. The same goes for the posts and comments that mention you! As these messages percolate out to your friends, and the friends of friends become your friends, as you demonstrate what a great guy you are (hopefully!) so does your network, your reputation, your audience grow – one friend, advocate, potential customer at a time. It is hard, slow work to build an authentic audience, and if it all feels too next year, too hard, too just not you, just stop, and see where that gets you. Actually I wouldn't unless you have something really good to take its place. A Yellow Pages ad or a magazine ad probably doesn't cut it any more. Social media is a two-way street. Our I Own A Queensberry Facebook page is a tool for us all to jointly build our networks. We hope you join in! Cheers, Ian
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The Bumble Bee Effect | Queensberry Connects
June 3, 2011, 12:00 pm
[...] « Twittering butterflies [...]