

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Wedding and portrait photographers are lucky.  There is an automatic point of difference built into the core of our businesses - our photography.  Other businesses selling books, bricks or ice-creams are dealing with the same commodities and therefore need to make their businesses about something other than the product, such as service, fast delivery or lifestyle branding. We start out with a product that is already differentiated - and what do many of us do? We try our hardest to look like other photographers. Why? If we use the same actions, poses and website colours as our competitors, what is there to set us apart? Price.  Undercutting is a slippery slope; for a start, you have no idea if your competitors are profitable.  And how do you write a business plan for the year based on a decreasing and uncertain turnover? So next time you shoot a wedding or a portrait, what could you do differently to improve your bottom line? Best wishes, Rebecca Rebecca is a Londoner and you can see more of her beautiful work at
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Stephen Baugh
May 6, 2011, 8:40 am
Awesome to see you here Rebecca, it's not quite the same as joining you and the rest of the group for wine and dinner , but it does bring back fond memories :-) Great read too :-)
A sea of Beige | Queensberry Connects
May 7, 2011, 9:49 am
[...] « An automatic point of difference? [...]