

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We've had a lot of enquiries asking about the deadline for our half-price special. Thanks for making it a great success. So we're giving you a bit of leeway. The deadline falls over this weekend, so as long as we have your order by the START OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY New Zealand time we'll allow the discount. But you will need to confirm the album order and pay within two days of us getting back to you. We have been absolutely swamped with DESIGN ORDERS. These are no charge as part of the promotion if ordered through Workspace (thanks for trying the feature, people really like it!). It may take a few days for us to catch up, but as long as you approve and pay for your album order within two days of the design being complete we'll allow the discount. Finally, there are heaps of people out there gradually creeping up to their Workspace Free Plan limits, so we thought we'd give you a little encouragement to take the plunge. We have a new release coming up in two weeks, and all our paid plans (annual and monthly) are half price UNTIL THE DAY OF THE RELEASE. Don't miss out! In the new release you'll be able use coupons and offer Queensberry albums in a new and improved cart. With a Pro Plan you'll have the option of commission-free self-fulfilment, including the ability to add tax and freight charges. You can also order cost-effective colour correction for your images, and play with v1 of our new language translation feature (that and selling in your client's currency should be fun!). Do it now! ;) Cheers, Ian
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Ian Baugh
June 30, 2012, 9:34 am
You're welcome!
June 29, 2012, 7:13 am
Thank you! xx