

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Following on from Sonya's post about loving photos, and the thought 'what would you save if your house was on fire?' I found The Burning House, a website which is absolutely devoted to that very question.

The site is an invitation for anyone to post a photo and list of what possessions you'd take with you. It describes the decision as "a philosophical conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental". It really does give an insight to your personality, interests and priorities.

Not surprisingly many of the posts include photo albums, boxes of photographs, old film and framed photos. One guy even mentions he'd take his MacbookPro, but "only for the pictures".

Take a look, it's so interesting to see what people value. I guarantee you'll be inspired!

Love, Anna

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