

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We've been reviewing your recent feedback, and we certainly need to say thanks. Besides the inevitable fixes, there have been some very thoughtful suggestions. We apologise for not replying personally to everyone, but if you've written it, we've read it. TBH we could spend a lot of time on the net right now, and get a lot less done. Please understand we're knocking things off as far as we can. If you've made a suggestion you'd like to get a wider airing, please do leave a post on our forum. A good point made on the forum is that the first thing some people may want to do is open their Retro client files. So you know, there is currently no way to import PJFs from PJ Retro into PJ Remix and this is not on our development schedule (technically speaking, there is not enough data in a Retro file to build a Remix import). However we are actively working on template importing so that your designs can be transferred. With thanks from the PJ Developers
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