

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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In my posts a couple of months back about album marketing I suggested that you need an entry-level price that doesn't scare people. That prompted Darlene to tell a good story... "If a bride has a Mercedes budget and your prices start at Ford, she won't even come look at you. I've seen that in action with some of my clients. "One guy from a rust-belt town was charging $1500-3000. He told me, 'I can't sell your albums – they're too expensive and I can't get $5000 for a wedding round here'. "I told him he'd be surprised to learn, then, that one of his competitors (20 minutes away) was using Queensberry albums, his packages went from $4000 to $10,000 and a good half of his weddings were in this guy's town. "The brides with money didn't consider him because he was too cheap. So he assumed there just weren't any with money there." Cheers, Ian PS Darlene added, "I personally discount many people's initial budget because they just don't know what photography costs." True, but ... whatever their misconceptions (too high or too low) or how you price yourself (too high or too low), if you get it wrong they may never call you. You need to constantly evaluate your prices and packages to ensure they're delivering the results you want.
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PJ Nanny
March 22, 2011, 10:33 am
Not true in my experience, dear.
March 21, 2011, 12:13 pm
About four times the price they need to be really aren't they. crooks.