

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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1. Tell us a little about yourself, your photography business and what you do! I have a Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design. I did a bit of film photography in my last year of University, but it wasn't until I got a job working for the University of Auckland as a public relations photographer that I started to learn the craft of photography. It was there that I learnt about manual settings, studio lighting, editing etc. I photographed hundreds of events and people for the University. I learned how to interact with people when taking their photo, and how to get great photo-journalist shots. I loved my job there, but it wasn't until I got a summer job working for a wedding photographer that I had my ah-ha moment. I knew right away I wanted to be a wedding photographer. I loved the emotion of the day, the beauty that surrounded me at weddings, the coming together of families. I'm so passionate about capturing amazing photographs for the bride and groom to be able to remember their special day by. I also love that I get to use some of my graphic design skills in my business, I love designing albums, and I also do all of the print marketing materials and website design. My sister Lydia, who is in her last year studying photography, has been helping me in the business. She's been second shooting with me at weddings and also helping me edit. I love working with someone else, and it's great that it can be with family.   2. We've noticed you're pretty active online. What social media platforms do you use and how do they help your business? I mostly use Facebook, however I am also on Twitter, Pinterest and a few others. Facebook has been amazing for my business, I love that people can easily share their photographs and I have booked quite a few weddings through people finding me there. I think photographers would be crazy not to use Facebook in their business! I love how easy it is to interact and connect with people and other wedding vendors through Twitter too. 3. We like that you mix up your blog between personal posts and sharing your work, is there a reason for that? I believe your biggest asset in your business is yourself. It's becoming easier and cheaper to make amazing photographs, and while I'm not saying that everyone can be a professional photographer, I think it's becoming harder for brides and grooms to tell the difference. People want to know who you are, they are always looking for reasons to connect with you. Why make it hard for them? I know that I would certainly want to know the person behind the photographer if I was looking to hire someone for my wedding. You spend so long with your photographer on the wedding day, and you definitely want to be around someone that you like. 4. Lastly, what is the most rewarding thing about your job? There are so many things! I feel so blessed to be doing this. I love creating amazing experiences for my brides & grooms. I love watching people connect with each other, and being able to capture those memories for them. There's not a wedding day that I have photographed where I haven't had goosebumps. It's so rewarding to know that one day my couples will be showing their wedding photographs/album to their own children, then their children's children...and so on. It's so exciting that I am documenting a little piece of history for each of my couples.
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Kate Robinson
August 28, 2012, 5:47 am
 Thanks guys! x
Queensberry Interview | Kate Robinson Photography
August 28, 2012, 6:00 am
[...] background, using social media and being personal in your business + a bit more… Check it out here if you are interested [...]