

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Spring Smith lives in the mountains of Maine in north east New England, USA, and her location impacts both her photography and the events she covers.

“We don’t have many ballrooms, so most of my images are taken outside, and when we are inside typically it’s a large barn or a tent.” She thinks living in a rural area makes for a slightly more relaxed atmosphere. Weddings aren’t the high end, over-the-top luxury type. “We are surrounded by the creatives, nature lovers, the couples who want to be outside or want to bring the outside in.”


But she loves working outdoors and in rustic environments, so when asked to shoot Carlie and Matt’s wedding she couldn’t pass it up. The wedding was “stunning, full to the brim with beautiful details and right up my alley.”

“Carlie’s Mom is an art teacher, so her skills came in handy. It was very DIY and that’s what I loved the most about it. Beautiful table decorations 100% hand made, and did I mention the flowers? Oh I couldn’t get enough of the flowers.

“The wedding was at The Hardy Farm in Fryeburg Maine. It was a warm August day, sunny and humid, but generally perfect for photos as we had cloud cover to work with, so it wasn’t hard sun for all our photos.”


Album featured is a 14 x10 Duo with photos mounted overlay style


Album featured is a 14 x10 Duo with photos mounted overlay style

“With so much going on throughout the day, I didn’t want to miss anything. The wedding, although only held at the one venue, moved around the property a lot. From the woodland ceremony site, to the tent, barn and gardens, and all the small details, I wanted to capture it all.

“More hours in the day would have been nice, but isn’t that always the case? Having a second photographer was the only way I was able to solve this problem, to trust that no moment was missed, and hopefully to give the couple gorgeous wedding photos that they will look back on for the many years to come.”

For some, photography is a way to make a living. For others it’s all they’ve ever known, growing up around a camera and falling in love with the art.


For Spring that love comes from documenting moments that disappear all too soon. Preserving them so that generations following can not only see but feel what they were like. “I love the ability to create art out of the everyday.  I choose people as my main subject because I’m always in awe of their beauty, classic or not.  I want to create images that strike a chord in your heart and take your breath away, and not because they are perfect but because they are real and truly beautiful in their imperfect reality.”

Staying true to herself means being sure that when she clicks the shutter there is a reason she chose that exact moment. “If you don’t think about it and just click away all the time you’re not using your voice as an artist.”

If you'd like to see more of Spring's work, be sure to head over to her website here

Alexandria x 

Album featured is a Duo with photos mounted overlay style.

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